Friday, August 15, 2014

So today begins our new adventure with Essential Oils.   I started by having each person smell the oils I received, each person had a favorite.  Everyone chose Lemon, one described it as Orange, the other described it as Fruity.   I had gotten some oil containers with a roll on the end to fill with a base oil like coconut, almond or vegetable based oil, then added a couple drops of the oils.  Currently I have only done that for Lemon, Peace and Calming and Peppermint.  I put a couple oils on the boys and myself earlier and amazingly they both helped do some chores and outdoor cleanup happily and willingly.  Shaun even cleaned  his hamster cage, then took the lawn mower from me and finished the lawn.  Now just to explain the importance of this, the Hamster cage is lucky to get cleaned once a month and he started with an attitude when I first mentioned it.  And he has not mowed the lawn since he was 5.  That was 4 years ago!    So I really didn't realize what a WOW that was until I type it at this time.   Then at bedtime, I had them use the Lemon because they like it, I also put some Peace and Calming on their feet and behind their neck. Shaun has been sniffling and sneezing for a week or so  (wondering if it is some allergy), but have not given him and pharmacy medicine.   I decided to try Peppermint on his neck and chest.  Awaiting the morning to see how that goes.   Appreciate any suggesting on that one.  My last use this evening is I am diffusing Purification in our closet due to some crazy odor that I have not been able to get rid of.  Next I am going to try the diffusing in another room since the cat was sprayed by a skunk the other day and there is still a slight lingering odor.